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We now have a prelude module! This allows users of the library to easily use ratatui without a huge amount of imports.

use ratatui::prelude::*;

Aside from the main types that are used in the library, this prelude also re-exports several modules to make it easy to qualify types that would otherwise collide. For example:

use ratatui::{prelude::*, widgets::*};
#[derive(Debug, Default, PartialEq, Eq)]
struct Line;
assert_eq!(Line::default(), Line);
assert_eq!(text::Line::default(), ratatui::text::Line::from(vec![]));

New widget: Scrollbar

A scrollbar widget has been added which can be used with any Rect. It can also be customized with different styles and symbols.

Here are the components of a Scrollbar:

^ ^ ^ ^
│ │ │ └ end
│ │ └──── track
│ └──────── thumb
└─────────── begin

To use it, render it as a stateful widget along with ScrollbarState:

&mut scrollbar_state,

Will result in:

│This is a longer line ║
│Veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery looo█
│This is a line ║

Block: support multiple titles

Block widget now supports having more than one title via Title widget.

Each title will be rendered with a single space separating titles that are in the same position or alignment. When both centered and non-centered titles are rendered, the centered space is calculated based on the full width of the block, rather than the leftover width.

You can provide various types as the title, including strings, string slices, borrowed strings (Cow<str>), spans, or vectors of spans (Vec<Span>).

It can be used as follows:

.title("Title") // By default in the top right corner
Title::from("Bottom center")

Results in:

│ │
│ │
│ │
└Bottom───Bottom center─────────┘

Barchart: support groups

Barchart has been improved to support adding multiple bars from different data sets. This can be done by using the newly added Bar and BarGroup objects.

See the barchart example for more information and implementation details.

Stylization shorthands

It is possible to use style shorthands for str, Span, and Paragraph.

A crazy example would be:


This especially helps with concise styling:

Span::styled("hello", Style::default().fg(Color::Red).bg(Color::Blue).add_modifier(Modifier::BOLD))

Stylize everything

All widgets can be styled now (i.e. set_style)

Styled trait is implemented for all the remaining widgets, including:

  • Barchart
  • Chart (including Axis and Dataset)
  • Gauge and LineGauge
  • List and ListItem
  • Sparkline
  • Table, Row, and Cell
  • Tabs
  • Style

Constant styles

Styles can be constructed in a const context as follows:

const DEFAULT_MODIFIER: Modifier = Modifier::BOLD.union(Modifier::ITALIC);
const EMPTY: Modifier = Modifier::empty();

More colors formats

It is now possible to parse hyphenated color names like light-red via Color::from_str.

Additionally, all colors from the ANSI color table are supported (though some names are not exactly the same).

  • gray is sometimes called white - this is not supported as we use white for bright white
  • gray is sometimes called silver - this is supported
  • darkgray is sometimes called light black or bright black (both are supported)
  • white is sometimes called light white or bright white (both are supported)
  • we support bright and light prefixes for all colors
  • we support "-", "_", and " " as separators for all colors
  • we support both gray and grey spellings

For example:

use ratatui::style::Color;
use std::str::FromStr;
assert_eq!(Color::from_str("red"), Ok(Color::Red));
assert_eq!("red".parse(), Ok(Color::Red));
assert_eq!("lightred".parse(), Ok(Color::LightRed));
assert_eq!("light red".parse(), Ok(Color::LightRed));
assert_eq!("light-red".parse(), Ok(Color::LightRed));
assert_eq!("light_red".parse(), Ok(Color::LightRed));
assert_eq!("lightRed".parse(), Ok(Color::LightRed));
assert_eq!("bright red".parse(), Ok(Color::LightRed));
assert_eq!("bright-red".parse(), Ok(Color::LightRed));
assert_eq!("silver".parse(), Ok(Color::Gray));
assert_eq!("dark-grey".parse(), Ok(Color::DarkGray));
assert_eq!("dark gray".parse(), Ok(Color::DarkGray));
assert_eq!("light-black".parse(), Ok(Color::DarkGray));
assert_eq!("white".parse(), Ok(Color::White));
assert_eq!("bright white".parse(), Ok(Color::White));


Following tools are now integrated into the repository:


  • Benchmarks added for the Paragraph widget
  • Added underline colors support for crossterm backend
  • Mark some of the low-level functions of Block, Layout and Rect as const
  • The project license has been updated to acknowledge ratatui developers